Envelopes in a computerized environment: the transition from 2D to 3D
Thierry Dana-Picard  1@  , Nurit Zehavi  2@  
1 : Jerusalem College of Technology  (JCT)  -  Website
Havaad Haleumi Street 21 Jerusalem 91160 -  Israël
2 : Weizmann Institute of Science
Rehovot -  Israël

The usage of a Computer Algebra System (CAS) allows new approaches to classical topics. We describe how envelopes of parameterized families of curves and surfaces can be studied using technology for automatic solutions of equations, dynamical representations and experimentation. Work is based on the knowledge acquired in Calculus and Advanced Calculus. The study of envelopes enables also to make connections with other mathematical domains, such as Abstract Algebra in order to have access to other algorithms implemented in CAS. The transition from 2D to 3D is non-trivial, as technological features available for 2D may either not exist or be harder to use in a 3D setting.

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