A training concept for supervising self-directed problem-solving in the STEM disciplines
Martin Bracke  1, *@  , Detlev Friedewold  2, *@  , Jörn Schnieder  3, *@  
1 : Competence Centre for Mathematical Modelling in STEM-Projects in Schools, University of Kaiserslautern  (KOMMS)  -  Website
c/o Dep. of Mathematics, University of Kaiserslautern, Gottlieb-Daimler-Str. 48, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany -  Allemagne
2 : Curriculum Institute Hamburg
3 : Institute of Mathematics, University of Lübeck
* : Corresponding author

How can school and university tutors support pupils and students in self-directed exploration and open-ended problem-solving? What are helpful didactic methods and pedagogical approaches, and how can teachers and tutors learn which approach they should use? In our poster we first define what we mean by open-ended problem- solving, using an example problem as illustration. We then detail some of the issues that can be encountered by tutors during the supervision of such problem-solving and outline our proposed method for addressing these issues. 

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