INDRUM 2016: First conference of the International Network for Didactic Research in University Mathematics
31 Mar-2 Apr 2016 Montpellier (France)
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Thu. 31
Fri. 01
Sat. 02
Thursday, March 31, 2016
›9:00 (30min)
Welcome (building 10, room 10.01)
9:00 - 9:30 (30min)
Welcome (building 10, room 10.01)
Welcome of delegates in room SC10.01
›9:30 (30min)
Opening Ceremony
› SC10.01
9:30 - 10:00 (30min)
Opening Ceremony
›10:00 (1h30)
Plenary talk by Michele Artigue: "Mathematics education research at university level: achievements and challenges"
Michèle Artigue
› SC10.01
10:00 - 11:30 (1h30)
Plenary talk by Michele Artigue: "Mathematics education research at university level: achievements and challenges"
Michèle Artigue
›11:30 (30min)
11:30 - 12:00 (30min)
›12:00 (1h)
TWG1: Calculus and Analysis
› 330
12:00 - 13:00 (1h)
TWG1: Calculus and Analysis
Comparaison de schémas de genèses didactiques de définitions, le cas de la limite d'une suite.
- Renaud CHORLAY, Laboratoire de Didactique André Revuz - Cécile Ouvrier-Buffet, Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur les Emplois et les Professionnalisations
12:40-12:45 (05min)
Introduire les réels à la transition lycée université: Questions épistémologiques et horizon didactique
- Viviane DURAND-GUERRIER, Institut Montpelliérain Alexander Grothendieck
12:45-12:50 (05min)
Didactical implications of using various methods to evaluate zeta(2).
- Margo Kondratieva, Memorial University of Newfoundland - MUN (CANADA)
12:50-12:55 (05min)
›12:00 (1h)
TWG4: Teachers' practices and institutions
› 430
12:00 - 13:00 (1h)
TWG4: Teachers' practices and institutions
A training concept for supervising self-directed problem-solving in the STEM disciplines
- Bracke Martin, Competence Centre for Mathematical Modelling in STEM-Projects in Schools, University of Kaiserslautern
12:25-12:30 (05min)
Stimulating and facilitating Norwegian RUME
- Simon Goodchild, University of Agder
12:30-12:35 (05min)
Main challenges in teaching/learning of mathematics for cyber-security
- Miguel V. Carriegos, Universidad de León
12:35-12:40 (05min)
Consistency, specificity, reification of pedagogical and mathematical discourses in student teacher narratives on the challenges of their school placement experience
- Irene Biza, University of East Anglia
12:40-12:45 (05min)
The challenge of being a mathematics teacher
- Veronica Martin-Molina, Department of Didactics of Mathematics, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Universidad de Sevilla
12:45-12:50 (05min)
Using the interactive visualization tool SimReal+ to teach mathematics at the university level: An instrumental approach
- Said Hadjerrouit, University of Agder
12:50-12:55 (05min)
›12:00 (1h)
TWG2: Modelling and mathematics in other disciplines
› Klein
12:00 - 13:00 (1h)
TWG2: Modelling and mathematics in other disciplines
Using the flipped classroom model of instruction to explore teaching and learning activities in mathematical education for engineers: An activity theory perspective
- Fredriksen Helge, University of Agder, University of Tromsø - Said Hadjerrouit, University of Agder
12:45-12:50 (05min)
The development of the mathematical discourse of biology students working with mathematical modelling
- Olov Viirman, University of Agder
12:50-12:55 (05min)
› Statistics content in the problems proposed at the university entrance test in Andalucía
- OSMAR DARIO VERA, Proffessor
12:55-13:00 (05min)
›12:00 (1h)
TWG5 : Students' practices
› Roumieu
12:00 - 13:00 (1h)
TWG5 : Students' practices
Supporting students gifted in mathematics through an innovative STEM talent programme
- Katherine Neßler, Competence Centre for Mathematical Modelling in STEM-Projects in Schools, University of Kaiserslautern
12:45-12:50 (05min)
MetaMath and MathGeAr Projects: Students' perceptions of mathematics in engineering courses
- Pedro Lealdino, Département de Mathématiques
12:50-12:55 (05min)
Difficulties to teach mathematics and beliefs on mathematical modelling by prospective teachers
- Richard Cabassut, Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Sciences de l'Éducation et de la Communication, Ecole supérieure du professorat et de l'éducation
12:55-13:00 (05min)
›12:00 (1h)
TWG3: Logic, Numbers and Algebra
› Türing
12:00 - 13:00 (1h)
TWG3: Logic, Numbers and Algebra
An Inquiry-Oriented Task Sequence for Eigentheory and Diagonalization in Linear Algebra
- Megan Wawro, Virginia Tech [Blacksburg]
12:55-13:00 (05min)
›13:00 (1h30)
13:00 - 14:30 (1h30)
›14:30 (2h)
TWG1: Calculus and Analysis
› 330
14:30 - 16:30 (2h)
TWG1: Calculus and Analysis
Concept Images of Open Sets in Metric Spaces
- Ann O'Shea, Maynooth University
14:30-14:45 (15min)
Student understanding of the relation between tangent plane and the differential
- Rafael Martínez-Planell, Universidad de Puerto Rico- Mayagüez
14:45-15:00 (15min)
Students' vizualisation of functions from secondary to tertiary level
- Fabrice Vandebrouck, Laboratoire de Didactique André Revuz - Sévérine Leidwanger, Insitut Mathématique de Jussieu
15:05-15:20 (15min)
A model to analyse the complexity of calculus knowledge at the beginning of University course
- Isabelle Bloch, Equipe E3D Epistémologie et didactique des disciplines - Patrick Gibel, Equipe E3D Epistémologie et didactique des disciplines
15:20-15:35 (15min)
Rationality and concept of limit
- Thomas LECORRE, Institut Fourier
15:40-15:55 (15min)
Angles, trigonometric functions, and university level Analysis
- Carl Winsløw, University of Copenhagen
15:55-16:10 (15min)
Understanding irrational numbers by means of their representation as non-repeating decimals
- Ivy Kidron, Jerusalem College of Technology
16:15-16:30 (15min)
›14:30 (2h)
TWG4: Teachers' practices and institutions
› 430
14:30 - 16:30 (2h)
TWG4: Teachers' practices and institutions
The place of computer programming in (undergraduate) mathematical practices
- Laura Broley, Concordia University
14:30-14:45 (15min)
On the diffusion of professional praxeologies at university level: the case of investigation workshops.
- Jean-Pierre Bourgade, Apprentissage, Didactique, Evaluation, Formation
14:45-15:00 (15min)
Routines in the didactical and mathematical discourses of closed-book examination tasks
- Athina Thoma, University of East Anglia
15:05-15:20 (15min)
A bridge between inquiry and transmission: The study and research paths at university level
- Berta Barquero, University of Barcelona
15:20-15:35 (15min)
›14:30 (2h)
TWG2: Modelling and mathematics in other disciplines
› Klein
14:30 - 16:30 (2h)
TWG2: Modelling and mathematics in other disciplines
Teaching Calculus in engineering courses. Different backgrounds, different personal relationships?
- Alejandro Gonzalez-Martin, Département de Didactique - Université de Montréal
14:30-14:45 (15min)
Une approche fréquentiste des probabilités et statistiques en première année d'Université au Vietnam dans un cursus non mathématique
- jb lagrange, LDAR
14:45-15:00 (15min)
SRP design in an Elasticity course: the role of mathematic modelling
- Ignasi Florensa, Escola Universitària Salesiana de Sarrià
15:05-15:20 (15min)
Quelle synergie entre mathématiques et physique au sein de l'enseignement universitaire ?
- Michel ROLAND, Université Catholique de Louvain
15:20-15:35 (15min)
›14:30 (2h)
TWG5 : Students' practices
› Roumieu
14:30 - 16:30 (2h)
TWG5 : Students' practices
Making sense of students' sense making: Revisiting the case of Colin through the lenses of the structural abstraction framework
- Marcia Pinto, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
14:30-14:45 (15min)
Students' work in mathematics and resources mediation at university
- Ghislaine Gueudet, Centre de Recherche sur l'Enseingement les Apprentissages et la Didactique - Birgit Pepin, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
14:45-15:00 (15min)
Une étude de l'autonomie en mathématiques dans la transition secondaire-supérieur
- Pierre-Vincent Quéré, Université de Bretagne Occidentale [Brest], Centre de Recherche sur l'Education, les apprentissages et la didactique
15:05-15:20 (15min)
Anxiety and Personality Factors Influencing the Completion Rates of Developmental Mathematics Students
- Edgar Fuller, West Virginia University
15:20-15:35 (15min)
Quelques difficultés d'étudiants universitaires à reconnaître les objets "droites" et "plans" dans l'espace: une étude de cas
- Céline Nihoul, Institut de Mathématiques [Mons]
15:40-15:55 (15min)
›14:30 (2h)
TWG3: Logic, Numbers and Algebra
› Türing
14:30 - 16:30 (2h)
TWG3: Logic, Numbers and Algebra
Designation at the core of the dialectic between experimentation and proving: a study in number theory
- Marie-Line GARDES, Laboratoire sur le langage, le cerveau et la cognition - Viviane DURAND-GUERRIER, Institut de Mathématiques et de Modélisation de Montpellier
14:30-14:45 (15min)
A propos des praxéologies structuralistes en Algèbre Abstraite
- Thomas Hausberger, Institut Montpelliérain Alexander Grothendieck
14:45-15:00 (15min)
From ‘monumentalism' to ‘questioning the world': the case of Group Theory
- Marianna Bosch, Universitat Ramon Llul - Pedro Nicolas, Universidad de Murcia
15:05-15:20 (15min)
Approfondissement du questionnement didactique autour du concept de "borne supérieure"
- Faïza Chellougui, Université de Carthage - Faculté des sciences de Bizerte
15:20-15:35 (15min)
›16:30 (30min)
16:30 - 17:00 (30min)
›17:00 (1h30)
TWG1: Calculus and Analysis
› 330
17:00 - 18:30 (1h30)
TWG1: Calculus and Analysis
›17:00 (1h30)
TWG4: Teachers' practices and institutions
› 430
17:00 - 18:30 (1h30)
TWG4: Teachers' practices and institutions
›17:00 (1h30)
TWG2: Modelling and mathematics in other disciplines
› Klein
17:00 - 18:30 (1h30)
TWG2: Modelling and mathematics in other disciplines
›17:00 (1h30)
TWG5 : Students' practices
› Roumieu
17:00 - 18:30 (1h30)
TWG5 : Students' practices
›17:00 (1h30)
TWG3: Logic, Numbers and Algebra
› Türing
17:00 - 18:30 (1h30)
TWG3: Logic, Numbers and Algebra
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